Mekong Quilts

Mekong Quilts has been established in Vietnam as a non profit social enterprise and employment creation project.

High quality hand-made quilts, cushion covers, baby mats and many other handicrafts including bamboo bicycles, hyacinth bags, paper mache etc are produced mainly by women's groups throughout the rural communes in Bình Thuận Province and Hâu Giang Province in Vietnam and the Ramdoul district of Cambodia.

Retail shops and markets have been developed with international visitors to both Vietnam and Cambodia. The HCM shop has now re-opened after the COVID 19 pandemic:

Ho Chi Minh City: 5 Pasteur, Ben Nghe Ward,District 1

The Need...

Many women living in poverty in rural communties are often unable to earn an income as they lack any skills and/or are required remain at home to care for young children or elderley relatives.

Support from Mekong Quilts...

Mekong Quilts provides these women the opportunity to supplement the family income. They are trained and learn the skills to produce high end, hand made quilts and other handicraft items. Work is performed in local community groups or can often be done at home allowing the women to maintain their household responsibilties.

Ongoing benefits....

Employment is generated for over 200 women living in poverty in rural communities allowing them to earn a sustainable and reliable income for their families and communities. These employment creation projects in Vietnam are supported by local NGO's, and Anh Duong. Profits from the Mekong Quilts retail outlets are directed back to these Vietnamese NGO's to continue their ongoing poverty reduction and training programs.